Monday, July 23, 2007

Angkor Wat.

We got up at 3:45am to see the sunrise at Angkor Wat.

This is the sun rising outside the temple.

The sun rising over Angkor.

God put on quite the spectacular display for us that morning. absolutely gorgeous!

Yup. that's Angkor Wat :o)

A little froggy we found.

This picture is solely for Pastor Jim. He likes mushrooms :o)

The look of far off wonderment...I wasn't so good at it, so I turned my face. hehe. fun times.

Where's Kim?

Again. Far off wonderment. But it was BEAUTIFUL there!

It was Sunday morning when we went, so we had personal devotion time at Angkor. I sat on a perch overlooking the jungle. It was beautiful!

After we visited Angkor Wat (the first temple on our long journey) we had breakfast--rice with pork and iced coffee!

That's Jennie, me, and Papa at Bayon temple. I bought my daddy a straw hat and he was there with us in spirit. He's in lots of pictures.

The Bayon Faces.

There's one temple that has been taken over by the jungle. look at these trees!

Papa and I played hide-n-seek.


The temples looked like fortresses, so we decided we were at the Battle of Helms Deep...Jennie is Legolas.

I am Aragorn and papa is Gimli :o)

We were the monk stalkers...well Jennie was and I just helped out.

Sunset. We were out all day long.

Angor Wat from the hill.

Yup. We rode an elephant down the hill through the will see video at a later point in time.
Our elephant driver.

On the way back at a bus stop. Gotta love cafe da-coh-da-cah (iced coffee with sweet milk)

This is just a SMALL glimpse of the trip. Jennie and I took over 800 pictures and over 70 videos...some videos will be added a little later. Hope you enjoyed the glimpse!

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